This is a family event that celebrates our diversity! Families are invited to view and interact with cultural displays as well as try sample-sized portions of delicious food from around the globe provided by Noah Wallace families. We will have arts and crafts, music, story time, trivia challenges, a dance party and more!
Saturday, April 20th from 3-5pm
Food tasting, arts and crafts and playground fun available throughout the entire event!
Noah Wallace blacktop and playground, 2 School Street, Farmington CT
(In the case of rain, we will move the event indoors.)
All Noah Wallace families are welcome to attend and participate! We are looking for families that would like to provide a food to share or bring in cultural items. Please consider sharing your traditions with our community! Please sign up by Tuesday, April 16th.
Please RSVP to be a part of this fun event!
Do I have to bring something to share in order to attend?
Absolutely not- all are welcome!
What if I want to share something but can’t attend the event in-person?
We welcome your participation! Let us know what you’re planning to bring and we’ll help arrange a drop-off with you!
If I sign up for a dish, does it have to be homemade?
No! Feel free to purchase the food.
What type of items might I share in a cultural display?
Children’s book, clothes, music, items used in traditional celebrations or holidays, toys and games, the list goes on and on!
Do I have to come for the whole two hours?
Definitely not- feel free to stop by for any length of time!
What will you do if it rains?
Move the event indoors.